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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

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Eli Anderson
Eli Anderson

Discover the Secrets of the Internet and the Web with Raymond Greenlaw and Ellen Hepp's Expertise

Here is the outline of the article: # Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web Raymond Greenlaw and Ellen Hepp 2001 T ## Introduction - What is the book about? - Who are the authors and what are their credentials? - Why is this book relevant and useful for learning about the Internet and the Web? - What are the main topics covered in the book? ## Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Electronic Mail - What is electronic mail (e-mail) and how does it work? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-mail? - How to use e-mail effectively and ethically? - What are some common e-mail applications and features? ## Chapter 2: Browsing and Publishing - What is browsing and publishing on the Web? - How to use a Web browser to access and navigate Web pages? - How to create and publish Web pages using HTML? - What are some basic HTML elements and attributes? ## Chapter 3: The Internet - What is the Internet and how did it evolve? - How does the Internet work in terms of protocols, networks, and services? - What are some common Internet applications and tools? - How to use FTP, Telnet, Gopher, Usenet, IRC, etc.? ## Chapter 4: The World Wide Web - What is the World Wide Web and how did it emerge? - How does the Web work in terms of URLs, HTTP, CGI, etc.? - What are some advanced Web technologies and features? - How to use Java, JavaScript, VRML, XML, etc.? ## Chapter 5: Searching - What is searching on the Web and why is it important? - How to use search engines and directories to find information on the Web? - How to evaluate the quality and relevance of Web sources? - How to use Boolean operators, keywords, phrases, etc.? ## Chapter 6: Security - What are some security issues and risks on the Internet and the Web? - How to protect yourself from viruses, hackers, phishing, spam, etc.? - How to use encryption, authentication, digital signatures, etc.? - What are some ethical and legal aspects of security? ## Chapter 7: Multimedia - What is multimedia and how does it enhance the Internet and the Web experience? - How to use audio, video, animation, graphics, etc. on the Web? - How to create and edit multimedia files using various software tools? - What are some formats and standards for multimedia? ## Chapter 8: E-commerce - What is e-commerce and how does it affect business and society? - How to use e-commerce applications and services on the Web? - How to design and develop an e-commerce website using HTML forms, cookies, etc.? - What are some security and ethical issues of e-commerce? ## Chapter 9: Dynamic HTML - What is dynamic HTML (DHTML) and how does it improve Web design and functionality? - How to use cascading style sheets (CSS) to control the appearance of Web pages? - How to use document object model (DOM) to manipulate Web page elements dynamically? - How to use event-driven programming to create interactive Web pages? ## Chapter 10: Perl - What is Perl and why is it useful for Web programming? - How to write basic Perl scripts using variables, operators, control structures, etc.? - How to use Perl modules, subroutines, regular expressions, etc.? - How to use Perl for CGI programming on the Web? ## Chapter 11: Active Server Pages - What are active server pages (ASP) and how do they enable dynamic Web content? - How to write ASP scripts using VBScript, objects, methods, properties, etc.? - How to use ASP components, cookies, sessions, etc.? - How to use ASP for database access and manipulation on the Web? ## Chapter 12: PHP - What is PHP and how does it compare to other Web scripting languages? - How to write PHP scripts using variables, operators, control structures, etc.? - How to use PHP functions, arrays, strings, etc.? - How to use PHP for database access and manipulation on the Web? ## Chapter 13: XML - What is XML and how does it differ from HTML? - How to write well-formed and valid XML documents using elements, attributes, entities, etc.? - How to use XML schemas, DTDs, namespaces, etc.? - How to use XML for data exchange and transformation on the Web? ## Chapter 14: Wireless Application Protocol - What is wireless application protocol (WAP) and how does it enable mobile access to the Internet and the Web? - How to write WAP applications using wireless markup language (WML), WMLScript, etc.? - How to use WAP gateways, servers, devices, etc.? - What are some challenges and opportunities of WAP? ## Conclusion - Summarize the main points and takeaways of the book - Emphasize the importance and benefits of learning about the Internet and the Web - Provide some suggestions and resources for further learning and exploration ## FAQs - Q: Who is this book for and what are the prerequisites? - A: This book is for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of the Internet and the Web, whether for personal or professional purposes. The prerequisites are basic computer literacy and some familiarity with HTML. - Q: How can I get a copy of this book and what are the supplementary materials? - A: You can get a copy of this book from various online or offline sources, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. The supplementary materials include a companion website, an instructor's manual, a test bank, etc. - Q: How can I contact the authors and provide feedback or suggestions? - A: You can contact the authors by e-mail at and You can also provide feedback or suggestions through the companion website or online forums. - Q: What are some other books or resources that cover similar or related topics? - A: Some other books or resources that cover similar or related topics are: - Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program by Deitel, Deitel, and Goldberg - Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 by Felke-Morris - HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Duckett - The Missing Link: An Introduction to Web Development and Programming by Mendelsohn - Q: What are some current trends and developments in the field of Internet and Web technologies? - A: Some current trends and developments in the field of Internet and Web technologies are: - Web 2.0: The social, collaborative, interactive, and user-generated aspects of the Web - Web 3.0: The semantic, intelligent, personalized, and ubiquitous aspects of the Web - Cloud computing: The delivery of computing services over the Internet on demand - Internet of things: The interconnection of physical devices, sensors, appliances, etc. over the Internet




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